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Is Your Campus DAS and Optical Network Keeping Up with Demand?

Universities are the ultimate meeting place for wireless communications. A convergence of cloud services, social media and mobile devices requires university IT managers to keep up with an ever-increasing demand for more capacity. Are you able to keep pace?

SOLiD Solution Benefits

  • An Always-Connected Student Experience

    Students research, create, and connect anywhere, anytime.

  • Safety

    Reliable cellular network coverage provides students, faculty, and staff a lifeline to first responders during emergencies.

  • Scalable

    When remodeling occurs or a building’s purpose changes, the SOLiD solution’s modular and upgradeable architecture costs little to reconfigure, with no need to rip-and-replace.

At SOLiD, we understand the unique set of circumstances that universities must consider on their path to next-generation mobility.

As they attract the world’s brightest minds, many top universities depend on SOLiD to deliver the coverage and capacity needs of their students, faculty and surrounding community. The connected university requires wireless solutions that keep students, faculty, administrators, operations personnel, visitors and first responders connected.

  1. Trends on Campus Whitepaper
  2. GENESIS for Higher Education

Our team is helping colleges address those challenges with DAS and Optical Network solutions that are engineered to reclaim fiber while fulfilling specific coverage and capacity requirements for cellular, public safety and Wi-Fi services:

  • SOLiD solutions increase the bandwidth capacity of your fiber optic infrastructure by leveraging patented multiplexing technology.
  • SOLiD DAS solutions require only one fiber to support eight remote units and deliver cellular coverage up to 400,000 sq. ft.
  • SOLiD Optical Network solutions reclaim up to 31 fiber strands per line. You can consolidate existing services on fewer strands or add new services without new fiber.
  • SOLiD supports all carriers, all protocols, and all technologies over a common platform.
  • SOLiD’s DAS and Optical Network solutions deliver cost savings and increased productivity.
  • Pre-configured DAS components and zero-touch auto-provisioning of Optical Network gear make turn up a snap.
  • SOLiD Professional Services ensure optimal design and deployment as well as peace-of-mind network maintenance, monitoring, and expert support.